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EI1120 Links about Circuits and Circuit Analysis

The following are just some of many links to freely available webpages and files that may be of interest to you.
Nothing here is required reading in our course.

People have very different tastes about good explanations, desire for practical or theoretical detail, etc.etc.; it seems sensible to provide some suggestions and leave you to see if there's something here that helps you understand or enjoy the subject better. You're welcome to suggest other resources that you have found helpful.

!! Warning !!   Beware of the temptation to spend too much time collecting material, or skimming through lots of quite similar webpages, videos, etc!

Working through exercises is a very important part of becoming able to solve new circuit-analysis problems. For many people the available notes, homeworks, past exams and possibly compendium will already provide as much explanation and practice as they have time to do.

By going and looking at lots of other sources, but without studying and practising in detail, you risk ending up with less competence at the essential circuit-analysis skills! Consider these other sources if you feel a definite benefit.

In any case, please use homeworks and past exams to understand what style of problems we want you to become skilled at solving in this course.

KTH IF1330: Ellära (Kista)

There are many interesting slides and other resources on the webpages of another KTH course, IF1330 Ellära. These are really nice slides and notes for getting some pictures of practical applications, Swedish terminology, description of the basics, and a different style of component-symbols.

Compared to EI1120, this course IF1330 is rather more practical and includes a bit about fields. At Elektro we have separate courses in circuits and fields, rather longer and more theoretical; that's because these subjects are central to many later courses where the theory gets applied. So our Circuits course is rather dry and abstract...

Other courses/books with notes/slides

There are many sources, of varying quality. A Web search may find things that you like more than the following. A couple of links are some good (html) course slides CCTS1, and an (html) online book oriented to more practical issues than we cover in the course.

KTH compendium, AC power and 3-phase calculations

This (pdf) Kompendium Elsystem (L. Söder, 2015), has been used in course MJ1145, and may be a useful alternative literature for this circuits course even before you study that course!

"Circuit simulator" online

Falstad.com has a Java applet that can show various examples or let you build new circuits. The main output is a plot against time. See the Index of Circuit Examples page on the above link.

This might sometimes be useful for quickly checking answers, using a "new" circuit. But I'm not sure how helpful the display actually is for conceptual purposes ... seeing currents wiggling back and forward in various branches of the circuit might be good for reinforcing the concepts of resonant circuits and damping; but in some other cases it just feels like unnecessary clutter of information. Anyway, the program seems very nicely done.

"Companion sites" for textbooks

The textbook that we used in the first few years, "Introduction to Electric Circuits" (Dorf and Svoboda), has is a potentially useful/interesting "Companion Site". This contains "interative exercises" and some further historical summaries about electricity and circuits. See the "Browse by Resource" menu. Note that this book is infamous for the errors in its exercises and solutions, so don't rely on it too much if you absolutely can't see why you disagree about an answer!

Videos, etc

There are lots of online videos about circuit concepts or whole courses. Searching Youtube (or the web generally) for "circuit analysis" or "elkrets" or "kretsanalys" will find some of these. I hesitate to recommend any one in particular.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Page started: 2014-08-24
Last change: 2016-12-14