D&S book solutions/answers/errata, KTH

Here are some old and recent files about the D&S circuits book (8.ed.) that has been used during some old course-rounds of Electric Circuit Analysis at KTH.

[For the solutions provided by the book's publisher, see the login details on the EI1102 Kursmaterial page, then use that username/password to access the PDF files of [official] solutions. These are only for use by KTH students who have the book: the publisher doesn't normally even make them available for students. These answers include some errors, just like the ones in the book ... so if in strong doubt, please check the list of known errors (link below) and ask on KTH Social.]

From teachers and students in various Circuit Analysis courses, some errata and quick answers have been put together:

The following are a few answers provided by teachers from the tutorial (övning) sessions in EI1120-VT13, following the list of suggested problems for that course-round's tutorials. These have not been updated much after we got access to the publisher's solutions:

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Page started: 2013-02-05
Last change: 2014-09-10